Monday, May 7, 2007

choose your own function...

As a final project for our Algebra II class, one of our teachers came up with the idea of "Little shop of Functions" which I have been calling "Choose your own function." The idea is that we present our students with various scenarios and they are to choose and develop the appropriate linear, quadratic, cubic, or exponential function to model the scenario and use that equation to help solve a "real-life" problem.

I've been writing up the scenarios and have found the process to be difficult. It is very hard to think of and find scenarios that are interesting and don't require math skills beyond what is acquired in high school.

Anyways, here is a sampling of a few of the scenarios I have come up with so far.*

I remember being very good at Math when I was in high school, but never really saw the value of what I was learning until I took higher level math courses in college and studied physics and electronics. I hope that we are helping our students see the value of functions, graphing, solving equations, etc... by giving them these types of contexualized problems.

*NOTE: The "I" number in the scenario is an individualized integer that each student is assigned to make each problem unique.


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