Sunday, April 15, 2007


A bit off the topic of critical literacy, but inspiration is an amazing thing. As I sit inside on a miserable rainy spring day, I'm dreaming of a trip that I'll be taking this August. A group of my friends and I will be hitting up trails at Whistler, Pemberton, Squamish, The North Shore, and whatever we find on our way to Kelowna on a 2-week trip to Canada.

For inspiration, I frequently watch two of my favorite videos showcasing the thrill, desire, and challenges of the type of riding I enjoy. There's just something about the visually stunning imagery and the beats and rhythms that captures the mood and experience. Videos can really evoke such powerful feelings.

I only wish I could capture and bottle up the feelings I get from watching these videos to inspire my students, my colleagues, and myself for those days when things are just not the way they should be...

For your entertainment, here are a few clips for inspiration:

Favorite segment of Roam:

Roam Trailer:

Amazing trail with Wade Simmons riding:

The Collective Trailer:

I guess I'll be transitioning this blog into more of a journal of my teaching now that our Critical Literacy course is coming to an end this semester. I look forward to keeping track of my progress, frustrations, and inspirations in the world of education.



MV said...

MF, having read your previous posts and listened to your audio, I would have to say that these videos are the perfect way of pulling together what you have done with regards to critical literacy in your classroom.

The word inspirational fits in this regard. In many ways there has been an underlying notion of wanting to help your students become passionate about learning..inspiring a way of building bridge and roads to becoming successful participants in their communities and beyond.

Have a wonderful trip!!!

Keep blogging...I'd love to continue to tag along on your journey!


high powered microwave said...

i think that we can all relate to the yearning you feel, not only in the sense of the want/love of learning that you hope to evoke from your students, but also the want/love of educating that teachers crave to feel every minute of each working day. we all are present, i think, because we value the idea of education. we are passionate about education.

and then, it's monday, and we realize, although we're passionate, we're human, too. sometimes, i forget that my students are human, and my students and i look at each other, sleepily, crankily, and wonder to where did the passion go?

it's a certainty that you've had some bad days trail riding. it's a certainty that most trail riding days, though, are invigorating and exciting. they're probably even more exciting because you can recall the bad riding days and the even crappier feeling of sitting on your tush.

i know that a lot of teachers get excited about teaching because while some days may be -99 on a scale of 1 to 10, most of the time it IS exciting and new each moment. what's more, is the fact that our passion is buttressed by real world experiences concerning what poor or no education brings. we may have gained this experience personally or vicariously through friends, but nevertheless, we have that knowledge and we know that a lot of times, our job is a great, unmatchable, extreme sport.